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Children take the lead in the “MI CASA TU CASA” project at the forefront of the movement to collect children's books in Portuguese and Spanish, to be donated to Venezuelan refugee children and teenagers, who are in shelters in Romaima (North of Brazil). In just 50 days they have collected more than 20,000 children's books and approximately 2,000 letters. We know that promoting the integration of refugee children with brazilians is extremely important for the education and development of each one, in addition to showing empathy for the harsh reality and challenges they face every day. Now it's time for adults to be part of this movement, contributing with the crowdfunding to be possible to send books and build library cabinets in the shelters of Roraima. Contribute and share! This is a project carried out by Jornal Joca and the institution Hands On Humans Rights in partnership with UNHCR Brazil (UN Agency for Refugees). Let's make every effort of the children possible and do our part in this beautiful and necessary project!
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